
2 Things You Need to Do to Better Insulate Your House So Your Heater Will Work Better

Now that winter is here, you might be worried that your house is overly cold. It is not uncommon for people to realize just how inefficient their home is at heating until the weather turns brutally cold and they realize they need assistance. What many people don't realize is that their heater may be working fine, but their house may not be properly insulated, so no matter how good the heater works, the house will always be cold. Read More 

Three Types Of Eco-Friendly Heating And Cooling To Consider When Replacing Your AC Unit

If your AC unit keeps breaking down and needing repairs, you may be starting to ask yourself if it's even worth getting it fixed. And if you decide the answer is no, you may wish to consider replacing it with a more eco-friendly unit. You may have heard that in the past, air conditioning units used a controversial type of refrigerant, and if the use of this environmentally unfriendly chemical worried you, you'll be glad to know that today's units use a more eco-friendly material instead due to EPA regulations. Read More 

3 Trouble Signs With Your Fireplace And Their Possible Causes

Owning a home with a fireplace is a really cool benefit. You get to have a great visual centerpiece in your living room, it's perfect for cozy romantic dinners, and it is a fun way to liven up a winter time dinner party. However, there are a few problems that can arise with fireplaces that you will need to deal with occasionally. These problems might only seem bothersome, but they should be dealt with because they can turn into a dangerous situation and pose a potential fire risk. Read More 

Geothermal Heating Can Benefit You And The Earth

Reducing your home energy consumption is good for your wallet and for the planet. After all, the less fuel you consume, the fewer greenhouse gases are ejected into the atmosphere. One way to drastically reduce your energy bills is to install a geothermal heating system in your home. Here's a closer look at what this entails. What is geothermal heating? Geothermal heating systems utilize the heat in the ground to warm your house during the cold months. Read More 

4 Tips For Keeping Your Residential Air Conditioner In Good Condition

Being able to stay comfortable during the heat of summer can be a real challenge. The most efficient method for doing so in your home is relying on your air conditioning unit. It's in your best interest to work to keep this critical component of your home well maintained at all times. This can be accomplished with greater ease when you know simple tips to enable you to do so. Read More