Understanding HVAC Issues

The Science Behind Air Conditioning: How It Keeps You Cool

Air conditioning is an essential part of modern life, especially during the hot summer months. But have you ever wondered how this remarkable invention keeps you cool? This post will delve into the science behind air conditioning and help you discover how it works. Basic Principles At its core, air conditioning operates on very simple scientific principles: evaporation and condensation. These are natural processes that you encounter in your daily life. Read More 

Moving To A Northern Climate? Key Things To Know About HVAC

The northern U.S. has a lot to offer, including a relatively moderate climate. The summers are warm, the winters are cold, and the spring and fall are somewhere in between. Of course, this climate has quite an impact on the HVAC equipment that's used in homes. So, if you are new to the area, it will be helpful to know the following information about HVAC in this region. Air conditioning is pretty common. Read More 

Does Your Home Need A High-Efficiency Furnace?

Modern furnaces have many features and options, but efficiency is often the top-line selling point. The AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating for combustion furnaces will give you the best idea of how efficiently your furnace burns fuel. All modern furnaces must have a minimum AFUE rating of 80%, with high-efficiency furnaces typically being much higher. If you're replacing your furnace, deciding between standard and high-efficiency will be one of your first and most important choices. Read More 

When To Call The Plumber And Why: The Dos And Don’ts Of Summer-Time Services

What are the top summer-time services that require help from a professional plumber? Before you start the warm weather season off with a botched DIY, take a look at the dos and don'ts of summer plumbing repairs. Do Check the Exterior Hose Hook-Up You can't water your garden or fill the paddling pool without an exterior hose hook-up. If the last time you checked it was almost a year ago, make sure that the faucet is still in top working order. Read More 

What Things Affect How Long Your Furnace Installation Will Take

If you need a new furnace installation, one of the first things you'll probably want to know is how long the installation will take. You'll probably want to take off work and be home during the process and you may need to confine kids and pets, so knowing how long it will take helps you plan for it. The furnace installation contractor will examine your system beforehand and give you an estimate of how long they'll be working in your home. Read More